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A member registered Oct 25, 2020

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(1 edit)

theres no player after it loads its supposed to be title screen but theres no pLAyer no buttont no noting im on a mac so i need to play in browser

when i ply it and it loads i just see a mountian and nothong

(1 edit)

mac plz PLEASE MAC VERSION also cruzzykid i missspelles mac

there is... find text saying play 

try fixing the mac bug tho

fix for mac

make for mc please i want to stick on stuff and strech

cute but short add more :D


pleas make for mac

utinty lod bar is stuck at 0% help

I HVE A MAc wh dont yo make i for mac

pleas add way to regen

what about spiky part i am using doble jump

i am using double jump but i cant beat it

tellme ho open it

how to regen

and how to regan lifes

ho beat lev 3

how do i open it on mac